Independent travel agent
Do you think at becoming an independent travel agent? There are money to be earned but also lot’s of other benefits. And, most important fact, the entry barrier in the travel agents universe can be easily passed with the assistance from the right business, in this case i’m discussing about specialized independent travel agents platforms like globaltravel.com.
You want to be your own boss. Most travel agents are independent contractors and thus, work for themselves while the travel agency owners are business owners too. An entrepreneurial spirit is a must for those who want to become a travel agent. When you become a travel agent, you will own your own business and find yourself wearing many, many hats. But if you’ve ever found yourself saying, “I don’t want to work for someone else” or something of that nature, then becoming a travel agent is a great path.
Key qualities and skills for travel agents ? A travel agent will book and ticket airfare for both domestic and international travel, as well as selling cruises, tour packages, hotels, etc. They handle all aspects of the booking process including documentation, quality control, deposits, final payments, reviewing itineraries, visas, vaccinations, etc. When the client is on a trip, the travel agent can help to resolve any issues and emergencies. Discover extra info at Become an Independent Travel Agent.
Travel agents advantages over online booking websites ? They advocate on your behalf. A Washington state family, as TMR previously reported, received an email a few weeks before its $874 vacation was cancelled due to overbooking. After hours on the phone, Holly Parsons walked away with $500 in Expedia vouchers and three nights in a Holiday Inn Express. “I feel for this family that has suffered a horrendous experience not only were they left with no refund but also a cancelled trip,” Mussolini said. That would never have happened if they used a travel agent. “Using one of those websites is taking a risk and can be a setup for a disaster. During peak seasons to find out your trip is cancelled and have no refund is the worst news – but on top of that, trying to scramble to plan something at the last minute is even worse.”
If you need to cancel, you’d better do it in advance if you’ve made the arrangements yourself. Changing flights and hotels can get expensive and time consuming. Be prepared to make changes. Make sure you have printouts of all your reservations so if you are questioned, you have proof. If you’re doing the planning, it’s best to choose countries with good safety records. Conversely, if you’re visiting a location where safety is a concern, using a reliable travel agent makes sense.
Let’s face it, you probably want to get into this business to make money, right? Well, the amount of money you earn is completely up to you. There’s nothing like opening your mail and finding a check from Global Travel International inside! With our simple step-by-step program you have unlimited earning potential. Simply direct your friends, family and clients to your own personal website, powered by GTI’s Online Reservation Center. You’ll receive commission on every cruise, vacation package, hotel stay, car rental and travel insurance policy that you bring to us and in which GTI earns a commission. This lets you enhance your future lifestyle and build an independent business with unlimited income-generating potential that can multiply your profits over and over! Visit: https://www.globaltravel.com/.