Sun sleeves for travelers by Eclipse
Travel accessories and unisex sun sleeves for holidays? When buying a sleeping bag, decide which climates you’ll most often be camping in, and purchase a bag to suit your needs. 35 Degree bags tend to work great for most of the year, with a 20 degree or 0-degree bag for really cold weather. It’s hard to get away with just one sleeping bag if you want to backpack in all seasons. On most trips I use the Mountain Hardware Lamina 35 Degree Bag. If it’s really cold I use the Kelty Cosmic Down 0 Degree. Hiking shoes : Low-cut models with flexible midsoles are excellent for day hiking. Some ultralight backpackers may even choose trail-running shoes for long-distance journeys. Materials impact a boot’s weight, breathability, durability and water resistance. Waterproof membranes: Boots and shoes billed as “waterproof” feature uppers constructed with waterproof/breathable membranes (such as Gore-Tex? or eVent?) to keep feet dry in wet conditions. Downside: The reduced breathability created by a membrane (compared to the ventilating mesh used on some nonwaterproof shoes) may encourage feet to sweat on summer days.
It is a good idea to always have a hard shell jacket to protect you from the elements. A great all-round hardshell is the North Face Resolve Jacket. In addition it is always worth carrying basic waterproof rain gear that you can quickly throw on should you encounter rain is a must when trekking. You can either get a rain suit top (with a hood) and bottom, or a poncho. We quite like the latter as they are easy to put on and often come with enough rear space to fit over your day pack or hiking rucksack. Make sure they are 100% waterproof, lightweight and store easily.
Not into vests and long shorts but still looking for something that will make your suit feel fresh for spring? Then we have your answer: pinstripes. It’s been a while since we’ve seen this print work its way into the major trend circuit, so it is with open arms that we welcome it back. This print is subtle and versatile—two qualities you would want from a suiting trend. As you can see from the runway images, these fine lines were represented both classically at Michael Kors and modernly at Balmain and Sacai—meaning no matter how you identify your personal style, there’s bound to be a pinstripe look for you.
Comfortable shoes are very important, yes. You’ll be spending more time on your feet than you usually would, walking cobbled streets, strolling through markets, ducking up rollicking country lanes, but comfort doesn’t necessarily mean jelly shoes. There are so many comfortable, practical options available now that are appropriate for walking AND looking stylish. After all, you need your comfortable shoes to take from those cobbled streets right into that hidden romantic caf? you just stumbled upon. If the moment catches you, you don’t want to run home to change your shoes (or worse still, dine in Crocs).
Our Sun Sleeves go beyond any other available, with complete sun coverage from knuckles to armpit, and optional thumbholes for extra coverage, versatility and comfort. Our unique thermoregulating fabric keeps your arms cool in the hot summer sun while providing UPF 50+ ~ the highest sun protection available. Whether it’s golfing, fishing, hiking, working outdoors, or whatever you find yourself doing outside, eclipse Sun Sleeves keep you covered in comfort and style. Find even more details on https://eclipseglove.com/products/sun-sleeves.
Let’s talk some spring 2020 trends in the fashion industry. Some Like It Hot Pants: Who wears short shorts? A lot of us. Hot pants staged a triumphant comeback on the spring 2020 runways—from itty bitty knit shorts at Hermes and Ferragamo to denim cutoffs at Rag & Bone and spandex at Brandon Maxwell. For those who’d rather ease into Daisy Duke status, Chanel styled the look with black tights.Balance out the ultra-short shorts with long sleeves or a jacket on top, a la Isabel Marant.
Launching new items happens organically for us, when we come up with great designs. Consumers request items. Those requests are important to us. We spend weeks and months creating just the right piece. The space-age fabric technology isn’t just for temperature. The 37.5 particles also trap odor molecules, releasing them when washed. Polyester never smelled so good after a workout. The increased surface area of the particles also increases the ultraviolet protection properties of the fabric.
There’s actually a science to knowing what the best travel backpack is – and how to pick it! When I first started traveling, I spent weeks picking out my first travel backpack. I tried on dozens, did hours of online research, and packed many to get a feel for what they would be like. It was a time-consuming process. That research paid off though as my first backpack lasted me 8 years. In fact, the only reason I bought a new backpack was because an airline lost that bag. Otherwise, that backpack would still be around today.
Our clothes are made in small batches locally, you might call it slow fashion. Instead of flooding the market place with a vast excess of cheaply made clothing that goes out of fashion in a season, Eclipse focusses on well-made, durable clothing of classic designs that are made to last. By keeping manufacture local in Colorado, we reduce the carbon foot print of manufacture, support local jobs contribute to the community in which we live. Read extra details at this website.